报名期间:从 2017-09-11 到 2018-06-30
上课期间:从 2018-02-01 到 2018-06-30



Learning English by making mobile games-Advanced

一、課程特色及目標Course Features and Objectives 1. Curriculum Features: Design textbook Both in English and Chinese and teaching Video is kind of enlightening textbook based on English pronunciation. Use a cross-platform game engine Corona as a tool to make a simple action game: learn from scratch and learn by doing. Learn the professional English in computer programming languages and practice the cross-platform (iOS, Android and Windows Phone ...) mobile game production skills at the same time in order to enhance the learning willing. 課程特色: 設計紙本為中英文對照而教學影片是以英文發音為主之進階教材,以「從無到有」與「做中學」之方式利用跨平台遊戲引擎-Corona SDK,學習如何製作一個簡單行動遊戲,在實作遊戲過程中同時學習專業電腦程式語言之專業英語與能提升學習意願之跨平台(iOS, Android and Windows Phone …..)行動遊戲製作技能及發佈到各手機平台(Apple Store, Android Play and Windows Phone Market Place)之實務經驗。 2. Course Objectives: (1) Through this course, you can learn the professional English terminology of making cross-platform game engine. (2) Can start to not be excluded from the use of English professional reference books to learn computer programming language. (3) Can start to use Google to search for English information and join in the English-based professional forum to look for the solution for the problems generated from the development of making a program. (4) In line with the government's policy toward south, as a special course for Southeast Asian students to learn professional knowledge and also learn Chinese at the same time. 課程目標: (1) 提升閱讀電腦程式語言英文專業工具書之速度與理解能力。 (2) 提升收看以英語發音之電腦專業教學影片之理解力。 (3) 能開始使用進階英文工具書與網路英文論壇資訊,自主學習進階跨平台APP與行動遊戲之開發。 (4) 配合政府南向政策,作為開設東南亞專班之專業課程內容,讓東南亞學生在學習到專業知識的同時,亦能學習到中文。 二、課程學習對象 完成做手遊學英文初階(行動遊戲程式設計初階)課程之大專學生 The students who have completed the course of Learning English by Making Mobile Games- Fundamental 三、製作課程團隊-教師社群名單 龍華科技大學多媒體與遊戲發展科學系梁志雄老師 南台科技大學資訊工程系鄭淑真老師 四、教學影片使用素材智財授權說明 (課程影片規格為MPEG-4 • 1080P,請說明教學影片使用素材為自製、授權、創用CC或其他。) Corona SDK Sample Code License Our sample code is licensed under the MIT License, the same license that Lua is licensed under: Copyright © 2010-2017 Corona Labs, Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. This course is mainly based on the sample codes provided by Corona labs as the main content of teaching video recording. According to the way of MIT authorization, the recording of this teaching video has no doubt of infringement, but the images used in the homework part and some programs are made by the production team. 本課程主要是使用Corona labs 所提供之程式範例作為教學影片錄製之主要內容,根據其MIT授權之方式,本教學影片之錄製並無侵權之疑慮,惟作業部分與部分程式內容所用到之圖像素材皆為本製作團隊自製。 五、評量方式 1. homework 40%, mid-term report 30%, final team report 30% 課堂作業 40%, 期中報告30% ,期末小組報告30% 六、預期學生學習成效 1. Through the processes of learning by doing, English teaching videos, Sublime Text Editor with English interface, Sample Codes provided by cross-platform game engine Corona, the practices and requirement to type into English program Code, search for English API files and other English learning environment, can quickly improve the speed of reading in English technical manuals and comprehension of English pronunciation teaching videos in developing APP or mobile games. 透過做中學的過程, 經由英語發音的教學影片、英文介面的程式語言編輯器( Sublime Text Editor)、跨平台遊戲引擎Corona SDK 所提供之英文範例程式(Sample Code)以及學生須敲入英文程式碼及查尋英文API 文件等全英文學習程式環境中,能勝任閱讀開發APP或行動遊戲中閱讀英文專業技術手冊與對英語發音教學影片之理解力提升。 2. Can design a simple but completed mobile game and deploy it to Apple Store or Google play and so on. 能夠完成製作一個簡易卻完整且可以被上架到Apple Store與Google Play等平台之行動遊戲。
二、相關補充教材 1. http:// https://docs.coronalabs.com/api/ 2. Create 2D Mobile Games with Corona SDK by David Mekersa 3. Corona SDK Mobile Game Development: Beginner's Guide by Michelle M. Fernandez 4. Programming in Lua 3rd Edition by Proberto Lerusalimsch
  • Ad-Unit 0
  • Ad-Unit 1: Introduction to cross-platform game design and development requirements
  • Ad-Unit 2: More Widget UI
  • Ad-Unit 3: Build up a background
  • Ad-Unit 4: Design master menu (Part 1)
  • Ad-Unit 5 Design master menu for a game(Part 2)
  • Ad-Unit 6 Construction of the main game
  • Ad-Unit 7 Construction of the main game (Part 2)
  • Ad-Unit 8 Physical effect(Part 1)
  • Ad-Unit 10 Physical effect (Part 2)
  • Ad-Unit 11 Add physics effects (Part 1)
  • Ad-Unit 12: Add Physical Effects (Part 2)
  • Ad-Unit 13: Add Physical Effects (Part 3)
  • Ad-Unit 14: Background music and Sound effects (Part 1)
  • Ad-Unit 15: Background music and Sound effects (Part 2)
  • Ad-Unit 16: Add background music and sound effects in your games